With the fanfare around the huge release of the RaceCapture V2 app, we kind of buried the 2.18.4 firmware release.
This firmware has important fixes and features you should know about! Also, if you missed our V2 app releases, you can catch up here and here.
Predictive Timer improvements
We’ve fixed a nagging issue around the predictive time jumping near the end of a lap. You should now see nice and stable predictive times throughout the lap. Please test and report back how it works for you!
GSum Performance Indicators
We’ve introduced two channels called GSumMax and GSumPctMax. GSumMax tracks the peak GSum value at each location around the track, for the entire session. GSumPctMax then shows the current percentage of that GSumMax value to show you how hard you’re pushing it, at that moment. Try it out with your next session, and report back how it works! This feature deserves it’s own future blog post.
Timing and Scoring integration
Also deserving of a dedicated blog post, timing and scoring integration is now enabled for races where Race Control is running our live telemetry agent. Watch for more news on this as well! If you are running Lucky Dog Racing League or American Endurance Racing, look for that data to show up in real time on your telemetry feed.

Full Changelog
There’s a lot more to this release. Here’s all of the changes since 2.17.8:
2.18.4 = Enable pit-to-car alert message CAN bus broadcast for app-based telemetry = 2.18.2 = Predictive Timer: Fix time jumping at the end of a lap OBDII: match PID responses to the configured CAN mapping ID, to account for standard as well as extended mapping responses CAN: Set factory default CAN baud rate to 500K for CAN1, and 1MB for remaning CAN bus networks. Lua: Add function to retrieve GPS X,Y,Z velocity to lua binding Lua: Add hex formatting to string format function API: Add txCan / rxCan for sending / receiving CAN messages directly from the RaceCapture app = 2.18.0= IMU: Enable GSumPctMax and GSumMax channels to act as performance indicators within session IMU: Offset Z axis to zero to compensate for gravity IMU: Update Gsum calculation to include Z-axis, to account for hills / banked conditions Core: Increment ElapsedTime on every sample to maximize analysis resolution Telemetry: Enable 'reverse telemetry' to allow Podium to push timing/scoring data and more to device, to blend with regular telemetry Lua: Fix issue with getAnalog not adding the offset for 'linear' mode inputs Lua: Avoid nil on getChannelByName, if channel name exists Lua: Expose GPS DOP to Lua WiFi: Also perform a factory reset on WiFi module if user performs a factory reset on device WiFi: help prevent WiFi from being stuck in a loop, preventing initializaton Logging: Fix case where 10Hz sample rate logs at 5hz under certain circumstances CAN: Broadcast pit-to-car alert message on CAN bus