It’s a Thanksgiving Miracle! We’ve released our next generation analog gauges and you can start playing with them today.
Beautiful, photo-realistic gauges
With our super flexible analog gauge editor, you can design your own beautiful gauges and the dashboards that contain them.
Get crazy!
You can also design any crazy or fun gauge you’d like – let your imagination run wild!
Simple and effective gauges
Want simple, high contrast gauges you can read at a glance? You can still create gauges that match our original design.
Save, share, and remix gauges from other racers.
Feeling lazy or want inspiration? Browse an ever-growing list of analog gauges curated by us, or shared by other racers like you. Design a custom gauge and share with your friends!
Super Customizable
The new analog gauges has a ton of customizable options, with a handy preview area.
A bunch of fixes too
A 2.11.2 bugfix release was in the works, but we just ended up rolling 2.11.2 into the 2.12.0 release. Here are the highlights:
Reset SessionTime to 0 for lap recalculator to improve video + data synchronization
If you’re using the video+data triggering, the session time for the current session really needs to start at 0, but the current RaceCapture firmware does not reset it to 0. Setting it to 0 allows for proper video+data synchronization.
While we need to fix it in the firmware, we’ve updated the lap recalculator to reset the session time to 0 so current data logs can be fixed.
Video playback improvements
We’ve made the video playback more robust in cases where the video does not match the length of the logfile.
Pit stop timer formatting fix
If you were running the pit stop timer on a device with a more narrow aspect ratio, the timer value for the pit stop timer was truncated, showing a confusing value. This has been fixed.
Improve File Load/Save on certain Android versions
We saw some problems loading / saving files on Android 10; this should now be fixed.
More fixes!
See the changelog for a list of all improvements and fixes.
Available on all platforms. Seriously.
The RaceCapture app runs basically everywhere. If you’re on mobile, it probably auto-updated to the latest version!
Download links:
Android: Download from Google Play
iOS: Download from the iTunes App Store
Amazon Fire: Download from the Amazon app store
Windows: Download Direct
OSX: Download Direct
Linux: Download Direct
Raspberry Pi: Download Direct
Full Changelog
==2.12.0== Add next generation analog gauge Add support for negative video offset to session editor Add additional cellular APNs (Telefonica O2 UK, Google Fi North America, Vodafone Italy) Add transparency control in the color picker Fix precision not correctly initialized in channel override editor Fix alerts editor sometimes showing stale information Fix pit-to-car alert errors when using onboard cellular Fix pit stop timer truncated timer on certain aspect ratios Fix file load/save errors on certain Android versions Improve input validation for numbers fields Improve video playback reliability when videos are shorter than the logfile Improve lap recalculator to reset SessionTime to 0 so videos are properly aligned with data Update Rpi build to support Raspbian Bookworm ==2.11.1== Fix editing of number fields on mobile devices Fix intermittent issue when switching dashboard pages Fix rendering of CAN channel mapping editor Fix intermittent cases where app telemetry does not start broadcasting Add error popup if pit to car alert message reply fails to send Make the channel customization popup more responsive for different screen formats and sizes Fix ordering of selected channels on Heatmap chart view and other multi-channel gauges ==2.11.0== Add regional profile selection for devices with 4G cellular (requires device firmware >= 2.22.0) Add Orange (UK) and Telenor (Norway) APNs Improve file browser experience on Raspberry Pi Fix save preset issue on iOS Fix alert threshold triggering on digital gauges Fixed intermittent double gauges on dashboard Fix intermittent error when starting firmware upgrade Fix intermittent error when switching dashboard screens Improve rendering reliability of raw channels gauge Fixed first time setup layout/rendering on Mobile ==2.10.7== Fix incorrect "no data" issue with gauges after device connects Improve lap de-selection performance for analysis Fix where files are saved on iOS Fix error when copying app log to clipboard ==2.10.6== Fix incorrect touch targets on certain mobile form factors ==2.10.5== Improve video and graphic rendering performance on slower devices via new framework Improve wifi connection reliability Improve reliability of received data from device to avoid corrupted messages Fix checking of exitstatus for raspberry pi Fix fullscreen setting problem on raspberry pi Simplify launch for Linux distributions by only launching race_capture vs script Switch to debian package distribution for Linux x86_64 Pre-create export directories for certain Android platforms to avoid error Fix error editing an existing session that does not have associated video Ensure gauges show 'no data' when referencing missing channels ==2.10.4== Improve telemetry connection by using new framework Fix file browsing for iOS when browsing for files other than images Fix possibility for status view errors ==2.10.3== Fix numeric input fields on Android Fix issue viewing script window on Windows when device is not connected Ensure analysis timegap chart shows useful data under all conditions Fix analysis line chart sometimes showing "No distance data / no time data available" Fix incorrect error message when pressing cancel on save/export dialogs on desktop Fix obscured / hidden controls on setup pages Fix double save confirmation on desktop builds Fix blank digital gauge when current value is 0 or not yet updated Fix typo in popup ==2.10.2== Add/Update APNs for EIOTCLUB, Rogers and Bell for Canada Fix Filebrowser for Raspberry Pi Fix linechart zooming when window is maximized Fix interaction with toggle button Fix possible error when deleting a CAN mapping Enable native file browse / save dialogs across all platforms ==2.10.1== Fix file permissions for Android ==2.10.0== Add text enumerations for digital gauges Add bitmap gauge Use native file pickers Improve telemetry connection recovery when network is interrupted Ensure trackmap is centered in cases where GPS trace is out of bounds