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RaceCapture app 2.10.7 – Yes Data!

Some small but important fixes

You probably already have this version installed from iTunes / Android / Amazon app store – but double check to make sure, and update if necessary.

No Data? Yes Data!

In the last release, we introduced a problem where sometimes a gauge would show “No Data” for a channel, even though data is actually present. We’ve fixed this in 2.10.7

Saving files on iOS

We’ve fixed the location where iOS saves files, making it possible (again) to fetch files over USB when connected to MacOS. When you export a file, you can fetch it by going to Finder, selecting your iOS device, and then go to Files. There you’ll find your saved configs and exported logs.

Fixed copying of app log

The “Copy Log” button is very useful for getting the current log from the app to use for troubleshooting issues. This was also broken in 2.10.6 – so we fixed it here as well.

Available on all platforms. Seriously.

The RaceCapture app runs basically everywhere. Download links:

Android: Download from Google Play
iOS: Download from the iTunes App Store
Amazon Fire: Download from the Amazon app store
Windows: Download Direct
OSX: Download Direct
Linux: Download Direct
Raspberry Pi: Download Direct

Full Changelog

Fix incorrect "no data" issue with gauges after device connects
Improve lap de-selection performance for analysis
Fix where files are saved on iOS
Fix error when copying app log to clipboard

Fix incorrect touch targets on certain mobile form factors

Improve video and graphic rendering performance on slower devices via new framework
Improve wifi connection reliability
Improve reliability of received data from device to avoid corrupted messages
Fix checking of exitstatus for raspberry pi
Fix fullscreen setting problem on raspberry pi
Simplify launch for Linux distributions by only launching race_capture vs script
Switch to debian package distribution for Linux x86_64
Pre-create export directories for certain Android platforms to avoid error
Fix error editing an existing session that does not have associated video
Ensure gauges show 'no data' when referencing missing channels

Improve telemetry connection by using new framework
Fix file browsing for iOS when browsing for files other than images
Fix possibility for status view errors

Fix numeric input fields on Android
Fix issue viewing script window on Windows when device is not connected
Ensure analysis timegap chart shows useful data under all conditions
Fix analysis line chart sometimes showing "No distance data / no time data available"
Fix incorrect error message when pressing cancel on save/export dialogs on desktop
Fix obscured / hidden controls on setup pages
Fix double save confirmation on desktop builds
Fix blank digital gauge when current value is 0 or not yet updated
Fix typo in popup

Add/Update APNs for EIOTCLUB, Rogers and Bell for Canada
Fix Filebrowser for Raspberry Pi
Fix linechart zooming when window is maximized
Fix interaction with toggle button
Fix possible error when deleting a CAN mapping
Enable native file browse / save dialogs across all platforms

Fix file permissions for Android

Add text enumerations for digital gauges
Add bitmap gauge
Use native file pickers
Improve telemetry connection recovery when network is interrupted
Ensure trackmap is centered in cases where GPS trace is out of bounds
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