Podium app 0.1.0 has been released with many usability improvements and bugfixes. We feel we’re maybe 1 or 2 releases away from an actual production release! Get it today for Android (beta channel), Windows, and OSX. iOS will likely wait for a future release. http://podium.live/software
There have been a number of improvements around the dashboard / channel alerts editor, and a better experience with the flow gauge view, allowing panels to scroll vertically as needed, great for a phone form factor.
Full Change Log
- Improve layout and usability of Dashboard Alerts editor for different screen formats and sizes
- Improve playback accuracy of Analysis playback control
- Fix Analysis Flow Gauge view having too many panels; now vertically scrolls as needed
- Fix analysis Flow Gauge view where inserting a gauge panel in a specific position works as expected
- Improve loading speed of channel customization and alerts editor dialogs for Dashboard and Analysis views
- Add data playback controls for Analysis Dashboard mode
- Improve color picker for gauges / alerts
- Invert Digital and TinyDigital gauge text color based on brightness of gauge
- Fix scrollbar drag problem
- Fix digits of precision on scatter plot
- Improve Podium Login layout for small screens
- Fix tire pressure indicator on overview gauge
- Fix Overview gauge not displaying for OSX