Help us name the new version of Megajolt!
First There was Megajolt Lite Jr. – everything a Marketing expert would say not to do: use the word Lite or Jr. in a name. Whoops! What did we know at the time?
So, when we revised the design slightly, we re-cast it as Megajolt/E, E for EDIS. Great!
Then came time to design the Megajolt2. Megajolt2 was the successor to the Megajolt/E — Lite Jr. family. A new design commenced. Much was learned. Then, realizing we could leverage the latest in ignition technology with coil on plug modules, the project Megajolt/C (C for Coil-On-Plug) came in to existence.

With the hardware design for the code-named Megajolt/C moving into position to replace Megajolt/E, we now have an opportunity to give it an official name.
That’s where you come in! Please help us out by participating in our Facbook Poll. (fabulous prizes awaits you!)