We are pleased to announce a direct CAN mapping for the Mazda RX8 (Series 1). This is especially great since it bypasses the OBDII interface for fast and efficient streaming of data. Special thanks to Nick Owens for working with the Mazda community and bringing this preset to you.
The preset brings in 9 valuable channels of engine data. More may be possible as the community continues to research!
Using the preset is easy; just connect to your system using USB or wireless (on mobile) and navigate to Setup / CAN mapping. Press the Presets button, and then press the cloud update button. Find and select the RX8 preset, then write your settings to your system.
Note for RX8 Series 1 with manual transmissions – disable your OBDII channels
This preset is especially valuable for customers with Series 1 RX8s with Manual transmissions. We strongly recommend using this preset and disabling all OBDII channels to prevent a high RPM rev limit with the early CAN bus Mazda ECUs.
Hope all is well with you guys…Checking on your website on the CAN module 4 Channel type…I couldn’t find RPM input/output on your device…is it possible to have the RPM/Rives on the same module or do you have another module which can handle the Engine RPM ?!
Please advice
Hi, the AnalogX only handles Analog signals, it does not do pulse (RPM) signals. You can learn more about AnalogX here:
thank you