The LabRat receives it’s fresh new silver skin- all in Rustoleum Hammered silver finish and satin black. Kelley and Scott performed painting duties after Laura, John and brent swarmed over it the night before, masking areas to not paint. Here’s the progression: All done! those black things are rat ears. You'll see. 🙂
Category: Uncategorized
Messy business
Messy messy… Working on cars is often a messy business. Pretending our leaky, neglected and abused LabRat is a race car just adds to the fun! Here’s a gem we just had to share. Scott asks me for an oil pan to catch drips from the disconnected oil drain. Not a drop went into the…
Turbo mutiny
Tie me up! Tie Me Down! We’ve decided the turbo definitely has a hate-hate relationship with our car. Shortly after the track day testing we also discovered a turbo completely loose from the manifold. This was the same exact problem that kept this car out of commission at 2008 Thunderhill LeMons! Then, it was nuts…
After introducing the Lab Rat to a local track day we had a couple of take-away lessons. Lesson 1. If it’s not ready to race for an hour, it’s probably not ready to race 24 of those. In an effort to exorcize the race-car-bug demons there was much blood-letting, which came in the form of…
Sunday Driver
It’s 9:00 am and I’m full of pancakes. The rain is falling heavily on this particular late September morning, but not on me. There’s nothing on TV that I haven’t seen a dozen times already. I take another look outside and realize that today would be a perfect day for a drive. I return to…
Labor day weekend
In all your labors this weekend, good luck, love greatly and drive smoothly.
The mark of the Speed – Pb
Yesterday afternoon a small band of speed geeks descended upon Seattle’s Slave to the Needle to witness the assimilation of Brent Picasso into a storied and elite group of racing drivers. This band of drivers all bare the mark of the truly Nerdcore. Brent proved to be a stoic tattoo recipient unlike his simian teammates…