Hey, we have a winner! WinnerS that is! So we has some awesome T-shirt design submissions over the course of the contest period. It was actually really hard to choose the top two designs, so we chose two, plus combined two funny/cool designs together and declared 4 winners. Why? cause we’re just full of love…
Category: Uncategorized
There are three types of drivers… Driver X Driver X travels the world of accepting surfaces with clarity and purpose, regardless of the information available and the action or inaction of Drivers’ Y and Z. Driver X’s underlying driving philosophy is: “Driving is what it is and isn’t what it isn’t.” Driver Y Driver Y…
Megajolt T-Shirt design contest!
Can you beat that tag line? I bet you can. Here at ASL headquarters we banged our heads together for a microsecond and had the brilliant, incredibly unique idea of launching a Megajolt t-shirt design contest! Theme-wise just about anything goes: cool, funny, ironic, edgy, smug, even slightly risque would be considered (double entendre’, anyone?). …
Off and on
For the most part, I drive the speed limit. I stick to the right lane unless passing the infrequent hyper-miler or deliberate RV pilot. However, on-ramps and off-ramps are bit of a grey area for me. Just the other day a passenger of mine experienced this transition uncertainty. Subaru sales person Tim and I were…
A Movie Review of “A Moving Movie About Moving”.
Actually, that movie was emotionally moving for me. I am so grateful for the giving of time and care and concern by our friends and family on moving day. And I am moved because for the first time since this little business was born, it now resides outside our home. Which for some may sound…
A Moving Movie About Moving
Okay, it isn’t that moving, but there is a lot of moving around in it, and moving of stuff, and fast-moving people! Enjoy! -Kelley
Living up to a Name
Today- today is the day we make the final move to our ‘new’ Lab! Yes, the one we’ve been preparing for months. This blog post is a nod towards company boot-strapping, being the right size at the right time, and making do with what you have. Oh, and having R&D work spill into the packing/shipping…
Merkur strip show!
Here’s a little video montage showing a Merkur XR4ti being stripped to it’s barest essentials. Enjoy 🙂
Make mine a Merkur… A crapcan, that is
A new year inspires bold ideas and uncovers new challenges. It seeds the dreamer’s thoughts and creates opportunity. Sometimes the challenge of a new years’ opportunity is so compelling, so inspirational that no amount of pain reliever, water or sleep will make it go away. When the dream is to field your very own creation…
24 Hours of Lemons Scrapes-n-Spins Video
Back from 24 Hours of Lemons, Arse-Freeze-Apaloosa 2009! Scott and I had barrel full of Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys fun while driving the Peugeot 505 Turbo. Here is our Scrapes-n-Spins video: no long boring sections of driving, just hoony carnage, plain and simple! And yes: that is yours truly getting rear-ended in the video (and…