So one afternoon and one very late night yields a design we’ve been kicking around for a long time! You’re looking at RaceCapture/Track – A natural variant of our current RaceCapture Data Acquisition System (now called RaceCapture/Pro) that removes the analog & digital I/O and replaces it with a CAN OBD2 interface. It also features…
Category: Uncategorized
Megajolt/E- Black Edition
Here we have a minor update to the Megajolt/E ignition controller. What did we do? Just a few things: Normalized components Updated the design to use mostly 0603 parts so we can share components across RaceCapture, Megajolt/C and other projects. This will save us a ton of hassle swapping component reels on the pick and…
Tachometer Adapter
We’re on a kick for tiny boards! This one adapts Tachometers to work with engines converted to use multiple coil packs. Up to 4 coil packs are supported. An annoying problem neatly solved! This board is very small, making it easy to integrate inline into your existing wiring harness. Just wrap with electrical tape or…
Apparel / Gear store is open!
Hey! We have the Autosport Labs Apparel and Gear store open with the awesome designs from our not-so-recent T-shirt contest! We’ve taken care to optimize the graphics so they look great on light and dark clothing (We personally prefer dark) Plus, graphics are on the back, where they belong. Here are the winning designs: Dr.…
Happy Father’s Day
Today I received the best surprise Father’s day gift ever from my wonderful wife and partner in life, Kelley Picasso Commissioned by TEKSTartist – the alter-ego of our über-talented and good friend Jason Markow – (check out his other work, especially this!) Happy Father’s day to all you men living life all-out, and to their…
What I Learned at Dorkbot
If you haven’t heard of the awesome Dorkbot Empire, it’s a loose affiliation of engineers, artists, makers, and hackers meeting once a month talking about ‘Doing Strange Things with Electricity”. After I attended the April meeting (a jam packed kit-building night) I had lunch with Josh Kopel , one of the organizers of the Seattle…
Scrapes-N-Spins 7 – the Ressurection of LabRat1
Scrapes-N-Spins 7 is here! All the juicy hoonage you love in racing condensed into one awesome video by driver/video producer Scott Miller – also featuring racing artistry by Brent Picasso , Anthony Kalcounis , John Kimball , Drew Hanft and Harry Taylor. Props to Jason Miller for trackside video footage! And now, Enjoy:
A Rat Tale, Chapter Three
Green Flag Cowboy couldn’t remember ever being this excited. The cars and their drivers were heading out onto the track for the single-file rolling start. The teams and spectators were lining pit wall and cheering. No one knew exactly which car was going to get the green flag, but when the green flag flew, it…
A Rat Tale, Chapter Two
About a month later, after Cowboy and the team got used to having a turbo and the small issues that came with it, the team put him and all their racing gear on a trailer. Cowboy couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He was sure he heard someone say that the team was going to…
Megajolt Lite Jr V4… Rev D
Freescale, You Tormentor It happened with the V3 controller when Freescale obsoleted the KX8 processor we were using. This prompted us to move to the V4 design with the similar, slightly more capable QB8. We mitigated the situation, moving many components to surface-mount to enhance ruggedness and stuffed it into a much prettier case. However,…